Sunday, February 20, 2011

A New Addition

For as long as I can remember, I've been expressing the need and want to have a blog. Like the rest of my life it's simply fallen into a makeshift hold, coincidentally located at the back of my brain. :/ If you know me, you know this is no surprise. I too often sidestep things of importance and replace them with finer objects of sustenance. To me, these "finer" things of sustenance are novels, crafts, and anything requiring some sort of imagination. However, I'm making the move! Hopefully with some discipline and well-timed sessions, this will become a new custom.

It's an exhilarating thing to share your words, thoughts and passion to those around you. More importantly, it's fun to face the everyday dealings of myself, Stephanie Ann Ledbetter.

If you continue to read these memorable ramblings, prepare yourself. Humor, danger, crude and shallow remarks will surely ensue; though, in no comparison to the joy and compassion I will bountifully fill your screens with. And, you should probably become fast acquaintances with my style and grammar. I have no sense of proper punctuation, nor do I rightly care. And I love beginning new sentences, or even fragments with '"and". What a remarkable way to catch one's attention!! Better yet, it allows me to express my actual train of thought. I move from one topic to another, with no regard to the limitations of the proper English language. Pish-posh, I say. Tsk, tsk to whomever tried to implant that nasty worm in my head.

Anyways, at this time, I must get back to the dreaded work of home. In future posts, you'll come to either love or hate me, find me friend or foe, and learn a thing or two regarding the principles of insight (when and if I have them). For now, take this with you: though you and I may be miles apart, we share a common infatuation of words and beliefs; it is enough to spark a fire of ardor and zeal, one of spreading intensity and engulfing flames.
And for that, I am beyond thankful.

Night, night!!



  1. Love your first post! Can't wait to see more....LOVE YOU!

  2. I thought you had to have time to be a blogger! You're an inspiration, Steph. Maybe I'll log into my blog for the first time since June.... :]

